If Governor Malloy signs it, a new law—sHB 6668, “AN ACT CONCERNING PREGNANT WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE”—will alter existing protections for pregnant employees, effective on ...
Wow. Just when you think our courts are becoming more business friendly, the Connecticut Supreme Court issues a decision on whether businesses can enforce oral ...
Connecticut Contractors beware, that cartoon was reality for one of your peers, and cost him a ton of money. A recent Connecticut Supreme Court decision ...
So many businesses rely on independent contractors to provide services to their customers. Home improvement contractors quickly come to mind. Businesses realize many benefits from ...
Why do companies have some employees sign noncompetition agreements and nonsolicitation agreements? Well, it’s simple. So they can protect their business, its goodwill, income, the ...
Words in contracts almost always mean something, especially in distributorship agreements, invoices and purchase orders. The thing is, you never really find out what they ...
When does a prevailing party have to apply for an award of attorney’s fees in Connecticut state court? Lawyers received an answer from the Connecticut ...
THE NEXT STEP – APPEAL We talked last time about the hearing that takes place to determine if an employee should receive unemployment benefits. You ...