Sure, a subcontractor can use deposit money for other projects. But if the subcontractor on a construction project defaults on the subcontract and the general ...
Connecticut’s SLAPP Law Does Not Cover Purely Private Disputes Connecticut’s SLAPP statute is about 3 years old now. That means the caselaw is more developed. ...
Yes, of course. So many states, last count 30 states have statutes that protect certain constitutional rights, of persons, and of businesses. A SLAPP (Strategic ...
Connecticut’s Governor broadened workers compensation protection for employees due to COVID-19. Most of the impact will be felt by your insurance company more than your ...
I have taken a keen interest in Connecticut’s new SLAPP statute and written about it here. I was scheduled to moderate a panel discussion recently at ...
Last year Connecticut’s Governor signed into law a statute that now about 33 states have. Click here for an overview of the states’ laws. Click here for Connecticut’s law’s legislative history. ...
When does a prevailing party have to apply for an award of attorney’s fees in Connecticut state court? Lawyers received an answer from the Connecticut ...