Yes, of course. So many states, last count 30 states have statutes that protect certain constitutional rights, of persons, and of businesses. A SLAPP (Strategic ...
Yes, because it can affect a court’s analysis as to the balance of equities between protecting an employer’s legitimate business interests and a former employee’s ...
It’s Quite Possible COVID-19 Will Impact the Enforceability of a Non-Compete. The law surrounding non-competition agreements (non-competes, non-solicits, also called restrictive covenants) is well established ...
Connecticut commercial litigators sometimes overlook an archaic civil procedure tool which can be used very successfully to obtain discovery of information before a company commits ...
Last year Connecticut’s Governor signed into law a statute that now about 33 states have. Click here for an overview of the states’ laws. Click here for Connecticut’s law’s legislative history. ...
I love reading about cases involving partnerships and employment law. It’s the best of both worlds; commercial law and employment law. What happens when one ...
Why do companies have some employees sign noncompetition agreements and nonsolicitation agreements? Well, it’s simple. So they can protect their business, its goodwill, income, the ...
I blogged last month here about a recent Connecticut Superior Court case, which showcased some typical issues with non-competition and non-solicitation agreements. Another interesting part of the decision that ...