You should always have a strategy in place before bringing or defending a lawsuit. The strategy may be designed to bring about an early settlement despite the strengths of your claims or defenses. Or maybe your strategy is to defend a company policy at all costs. We work for you to achieve the goals that brought you to us in the first place. We listen to you, gather the facts, identify the law, and provide you with the knowledge and information to take control of your legal situation so it works for you.
As our client, you should feel in control of any litigation matter. You can be empowered by our representation, not intimidated by being involved in a lawsuit. We’ll help you understand the law that applies to your case, and how the facts of your case fit within the law. We’ll also help you understand the impact your case has on your business. Litigation can get out of control, but our effective partnership with you will help you maintain control.
We welcome a discussion about our fees up front, and throughout our representation. During discussions about our fees, you will learn about alternatives to the hourly billing model. Flat fees, “not-to-exceed” fees, monthly retainers, and fixed prices per tasks, are just some of the alternatives we offer, depending upon the specific engagement. These options help you feel in control of what a litigation matter costs your business.
Tony is a key part of our legal team. He handles our litigation matters with a vision of not only our key objectives, but also of the concerns we have with the high cost of litigation.
Paula Elfont, General Counsel Westco Scientific Instruments, Inc.
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