Companies face important business decisions every day. One of the most important is whether to bring a lawsuit to enforce a contract or protect an important business asset. Litigation costs money, and a company’s reputation is at stake whenever it gets involved in litigation, even if it wears…
Many companies derive their value from confidential information they have developed over years of hard work, such as customer lists, formulas, pricing information and other types of information. This information may be considered a trade secret under Connecticut law. Companies protect this…
If you thought you would never hear an attorney say that, then read on.
We offer a General Counsel Subscription Program allowing Clients to lock in representation for legal services…
Employees are generally considered to be employed “at will,” meaning the employer can terminate the employment relationship at any time for any reason or no reason – just not an illegal reason. State and federal law, however, in addition to law created by judges, can permit an employee to claim…
Many companies headquartered outside of Connecticut have long-standing relationships with law firms in their home states. Those companies often prefer that their usual counsel represent them in Connecticut litigation. Under Connecticut’s federal and state court system, however, attorneys not…
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