Listen up doctors! Physicians and physician practices who are currently negotiating employment agreements, partnership agreements or otherwise joining a practice need to be aware of ...
Connecticut is closer to adopting the Uniform Limited Liability Act, and that’s good news. You can follow the bill (HD 5259) here. Connecticut’s current LLC act has ...
By now, you’ve heard of Legalzoom. Bob Shapiro, one of O.J. Simpson’s former attorneys, co-founded the business which provides an array of legal services to individuals ...
Home improvement contractors can get a bad rap. And just like lawyers, its mostly undeserved. Contractors are regulated by the state Department of Consumer Protection and governed ...
Employers and other defendants got a big win last week at the appellate court in Connecticut. In Palumbo v. Barbadimos (you can read the opinion here) ...
I blogged last month here about a recent Connecticut Superior Court case, which showcased some typical issues with non-competition and non-solicitation agreements. Another interesting part of the decision that ...