
Are You Exposed to an Employment Lawsuit?

Are You Exposed to an Employment Lawsuit?

  1. Does your company have a sexual harassment policy in your employee handbook?
  2. Are your company’s employees trained to identify, avoid and prevent sexual harassment and other types of harassment?
  3. Does your company have policies concerning vacation, paid time off, and discipline?
  4. Does your company follow its policies?
  5. Does your company train its managers to follow your policies?
  6. Does your company post the required employment rights posters?
  7. Does your company offer terminated employees a separation package in exchange for a separation agreement and release?
  8. Does your company have employment practice liability insurance?

If you answered no to any of these questions, your company may have significant risk when dealing with its employees. Employee handbooks, proper training, and management of layoffs will help lessen the financial and reputational risks involved in employment lawsuits. Call or email us now to help your business address these issues.